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Company's Name
AYA Bank
Company’s Address
No.416 Maharbandoola Road, Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Business Description
AYA Bank was licensed by the Central Bank of Myanmar as a development bank on 2nd July 2010 and relicensed under the Financial Institutions Law 2016 as a full service universal bank. AYA Bank was registered as a Private Company Limited by Shares on 14th July 2010 and reincorporated as a Public Company Limited on 30th December 2022. With regard to its portfolio, the paid up capital of AYA Bank stood at MMK (140) Billion, assets at MMK (7) Trillion and equity at MMK (309) Billion. AYA Bank is the country’s second largest bank with more than (3.2) million customers and (265) branches. Our large and loyal customer base has been one of the key drivers of our success, allowing us for rapid growth over the years. As a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), AYA Bank is committed to implement global standards in corporate governance and compliance best practices in its management and operations. Consequently, since 2014-15, AYA Bank is IFRS compliant and audited under International Standards of Auditing (ISA) by a big-four international firm. To enhance control mechanism and safeguard the tax independence, separate external audit firm analyzes the Bank’s non-financial data. Furthermore, along our commercial venture, AYA Bank has engaged with professional consultancy firm for non-audit services to meet legal requirements, contractual requirements and achieve strategic business insights. The bank has also attracted and retained talented staff with both domestic and international exposure and has invested significantly in Learning & Development as a way to ensure long-term sustainable growth for the communities it serves. In Myanmar, we are the leading provider of Auto Loan Product, with the market share of 34% in new car lending market. Taking the drive to cashless transactions and payments, AYA Bank has transformed 52% of active customers to Digital Banking. Our primary business strategy is to provide comprehensive banking and related financial solutions through the initiatives of enabling growth and enriching lives. Management consistently creates significant value to strategic investment partners, driven by digitalization, human resource development, innovative products and services across all customer segments. The bank continues to focus on deepening relationships with customers, providing best-in-class customer service, and leveraging technology as the enabler to rapidly expand the customer base. The bank also aims to further strengthen its governance, risk and compliance structure as a measure to ensure balance and sustain growth.
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