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French Chamber of Commerce’s Human Resources Committee launches the first “Human Resources Guide to Myanmar”
Yangon – CCI France Myanmar’s Human Resources Committee is launching the first Human Resources Guide to Myanmar, which aims at providing all the practical and updated information that companies need to know to manage their employees in Myanmar.
Indeed, as Mr. Guillaume REBIERE, Executive Director of CCI France Myanmar, explains: “companies operating in Myanmar, foreign and local ones alike, have to face an absence of proper economic and social data, which presents a tremendous challenge in terms of human resources. While the Myanmar Labour Laws provide rules and regulations on how most of the legal matters at work should be handled, they do not cover all issues and situations that employers and employees encounter in their daily work.”
In addition, the Myanmar legal framework, like any other in the world, offers a wide margin of interpretation, bringing uncertainty to companies on how to properly implement their human resources processes in compliance with the law. Many companies, because of their lack of knowledge, lack of verified information and unreliable counsel, navigate in dangerous waters, thus putting themselves at risk.
This is where experience helps bring some light. And this is where CCI France Myanmar’s “Human Resources Guide to Myanmar” comes in play.
This guide aims at providing very concrete and realistic information and advice, based on the experience of the skilled members of CCI France Myanmar’s Human Resources Committee. Thanks to the knowledge based on years of experience in the country, that they share in this document, many practical solutions will come to hand on recruitment, contracts, leaves, offices hours, conflict resolution, recruitment…
The guide will, in every chapter, provide a recap of what official laws, rules & regulations say, as well as advice and examples from professionals in human resources, who have found and implemented adapted solutions when faced with the same situations. It aims at becoming the pocket “Swiss Army knife” of all HR Managers and General Managers in Myanmar.
This guide is free of charge and available for downloading on CCI France Myanmar’s website (www.ccifrancemyanmar.org). This guide will be, of course, updated annually to keep track of the many changes happening in Myanmar. Meanwhile, CCI France Myanmar’s HR Committee will soon start working on their next project, which will be the launch of the second edition of their Myanmar Salary Survey in December 2018.