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Company Information

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  • Company's Name

    Capital Automotive

    Company’s Address

    No (3), Ward (12), Insein Main Road, Hlaing Township, Yangon

  • Business Description

    Capital Automotive is the sole authorized distributor for Ford and John Deere sales, service and spare parts in Myanmar. Capital Automotive has a full lineup of Ford vehicles, John Deere tractors and agriculture implements specifically designed for local conditions. We support our sales with a team of professional and overseas trained technicians and service staff. International standards of service, training and management provide customers the best possible brand experience. Local presence and market knowledge, coupled with international expertise and local assembly of Ford Ranger & Ford Everest has made Capital Automotive the leader in vehicle sales and a growing force in the mechanized agriculture sector. Capital Automotive became Myanmar’s authorized Ford distributor in 2013 and was appointed the John Deere distributor in 2014. It is also the sole authorized distributor for Jaguar and Land Rover products in Myanmar.

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