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Company Information
Company Logo
Company's Name
Company’s Address
No-1260, Inwa 3rd Street, 6 Ward, South Okkalapa Township, Yangon,Myanmar
Business Description
Flymya is the largest (online) travel agency in Myanmar, providing customers with a one-stop travel platform for the best deals in flight bookings, hotel reservation, bus tickets, tour packages, visa service, and car rental service, attraction etc,. Flymya’s mission is to make arranging travel easy by providing top-notch service quality to all its customer. Launched in 2015, our website attracts more than 2 Million visitors per year and we’ve served travelers from across the globe. Users can check schedules, compare prices, find the best deals and book within minutes. On the other hand, we are providing the corporate travel services to connected corporate companies, NGO etc.,
Company’s Website
Company’s Email
Company's Phone
+959 880 441011
Mobile Number
+959 263097 152